About me

From Vienna with love, since 1979
Growing up in a medical family, I later found my approach to the area of health in the Eastern Therapies. First I started to practice Reiki, followed by the Shiatsu formation of 3 years at the Naikido School in Vienna (certified by the Austrian Shiatsu Association). 2017 and 2018 I practiced Shiatsu in a medical centre in Vienna. Since then, I have been practicing in both Austria and Portugal. I am a nerd of Toaist Philosophy and doing Shiatsu, Energy and psychology courses on a continuous basis.

Coaching Formation

Lebens- und Sozialberatung, 1210 Wien
Certified 2023, focus on systemics

Advanced Trainings 

* 2021 Shiatsu and Pregnancy, Kiatsu School, by Anneliese Haidinger
* 2021 FemPower, cycle oriented living, by A. Nussbaumer/ Apura
* 2022 Breathwork, by Dr. Simone Koch
* 2022 Awaken Course by Christina Lopes
* 2022 Energy Cleansing for Home and Workspace, by Diego Sanchez
* 2023 Becoming supernatural/ The Formula, by Dr. Joe Dispenza
* 2023 Masterclass: Duality - Energy Healing, by Jeffrey Allen
* 2023 Shakti Worrior Dance, by Bellyfit, Instructor Training
* 2023 Feeling-Code Compact Course, by Birgit Steiner
* 2023 Shaman Healing, The Four Winds Society
* 2023 Bao Mai: The Heart Uterus Meridian, by Diego Sanchez
* 2023 Oriental Diagnosis, by Sensei Ohashi
* 2023 Neo-Tantra, by Layla Martin
* 2023 Unleashed - Traumabonding, by Sonja Kopplin